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An icon of a person standing in front of a chalkboard



Classes Taught by Faculty

90% of all undergraduate classes are taught exclusively by faculty

An icon of a dollar bill



Lowest Debt At Graduation

Lowest average student loan debt at graduation in Colorado among 4-year, public doctoral institutions, CDHE 2020-21

An icon of a briefcase



Students are Employed

or in graduate school, or in a volunteer or service role within six months of graduation

An icon of a chart with an upward indicator



In Social Mobility

in Colorado by CollegeNet's Social Mobility Index, 2021

Colorado first year gurantee logo

Colorado First-Year Admission Guarantee

At UNC we are deeply committed to a students-first approach. With more than 40% of our students identifying as first in their families to attend college, we understand how stressful the college search process can be. Our First-Year Admissions Guarantee for Colorado residents removes the guesswork from knowing whether UNC is a college option for you. 


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North of the Norm campaign banners displayed on the side of a building on UNC's campus.
UNC is North of the Norm

You might see some vibrant new signage in and around campus this fall.  The North of the Norm campaign was started in 2022 to represent what UNC is…we do things our own way, at our own pace. North of the Norm distills this spirit and drive into a memorable and distinct phrase. It's a statement of who we are and how we show up in the world.

Free app day badge.
Take advantage of Free App Days!

To inspire more future students to earn a college degree, University of Northern Colorado is excited to host Free App Days on October 1, December 1, February 1, and April 1 each year.

Two female students sitting on steps facing one another having a converstation.
What will your story be?

Find your passion here like so many others before you have. Your spotlight awaits. It all starts with a visit.



16th Annual Women's Walk April 13 | 8 a.m. - 10 a.m. See Details
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